20 research outputs found

    Possibilities for Coping Strategies Development of Management Students

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    Coping with demanding situations is a regular part of managerial work; therefore, training in it ought also to be part of the pre-graduation preparation of students of Management. From a managerial perspective, demanding situations are perceived as either unpleasant or as a potential opportunity for career advancement. This paper presents the results of an experimental research project investigating coping strategies development, specifically among students of Management. An experimental group underwent specific preparation, whereas a control group did not. The experiment was conducted on a research sample of 293 management students using the COPE (b) methodology. The experimental results confirmed statistically significant differences between the ante- and the post-measurement within the experimental group in terms of these five coping strategies: Positive reframing, Active coping, Planning, Humour, and Venting. Within the control group, no significant differences were recorded

    Conflict Resolution by Managers

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    Conflicts occur in a variety of areas, not excluding the work life. Conflict resolution methods are essential for further development of the conflict in terms of its escalation or de-escalation. The proposed chapter focuses on the issue of dispositional vs. situational approach to exploring the ways of conflict resolution. Results of the presented research projects are based mostly on the theories distinguishing between five conflict resolution styles: avoiding, competing, compromising, accommodating, and collaborating. The chapter also includes the results of the research, in which an original methodology for identification and specification of the differences in the conflict resolution methods within various situational contexts was used. Model conflict situations were placed into three different environments (work, home, and among friends) and associated with two different conflicts (backbiting and false accusations). The results also confirmed the differences in use of the conflict resolution methods by managers both in terms of the environment in which the conflict occurred and the content of the conflict. Within the framework of these studies, gender-based comparisons have also been carried out confirming several gender specificities in the selection of ways to resolve conflicts between men and women

    Motivácia k výkonu ako predpoklad zvyšovania konkurencieschopnosti podniku

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    Motivácia zamestnancov predstavuje podnet, ktorý nabáda pracovníkov k zvyšovaniu pracovných výkonov, úsilia, konkurencieschopnosti a je jednoznačnou cestou vedúcou k prosperite a stabilite organizácie. K motivácii dochádza vtedy, ak pracovníci očakávajú, že určitá akcia povedie k dosiahnutiu stanoveného cieľa, ako aj k odmene, ktorá bude uspokojovať ich individuálne potreby. Dobre motivovaní pracovníci sú tí, ktorí majú jasne definované ciele a ktorí podnikajú kroky na ich splnenie, efektívne pracujú a majú vyvinutý pocit povinnosti, nakoľko vedia, že ich úsilie pomáha jednak organizácii, pri uspení v silnej konkurencii, ako aj k naplneniu ich vlastných záujmov

    Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Managerial Communication

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    Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) can be considered as a tool for the identification and change of communication behaviour. NLP is based on the concept of the construct of behaviour created by the series of stages, which are perceived as one action. In this chapter, the attention is paid to the NLP characteristics, NLP techniques, mainly to representational systems, rapport, pacing and leading. The chapter presents the results from the research of the assessment of NLP based on comparing the respondents who attended NLP trainings and those who did not attend NLP trainings and comparing managers and non-managers. The research results indicate the effectiveness of NLP in the context of managerial communication

    Interconnections between Aggressiveness, Hostility, Wrathfulness and the Mental Performance of Drivers

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    The traffic behaviour of drivers is determined by a mutual interaction of personal and situational variables. This interaction may be optimal, in the sense of interaction relationships, which result from the optimisation of the relationship between the subjective preconditions to solve the arising situations and the potential development of the current situations. Diversion from an optimal relationship may lead to the growth of inappropriate traffic behaviour, which can result in a road accident. This research is aimed at the search for interconnections among aggressiveness, hostility, wrathfulness, and mental performance of 137 drivers with Class C and D driving licences (truck and bus drivers). The research was carried out by means of a questionnaire for measuring aggressiveness and hostility in road traffic which monitors four scales of irritability, offensiveness, hostile attribution bias, and inhibition of aggressiveness. Another questionnaire consisting of six anger-provoking factors was used to scan provocation of anger in road traffic by other drivers and road users. To determine the intelligence of drivers, a battery for detecting comprehension, thinking in the sphere of illustrative relationships, practical intelligence, spatial intelligence, and flexibility of thinking was used as part of the research as well. | Das Verkehrsverhalten der Fahrer ist durch das gegenseitige Zusammenwirken von Persönlichkeits- und Situationsvariablen bestimmt. Dieses Zusammenwirken kann sich im Sinne der Interaktionsbeziehungen, die aus der Optimierung der Beziehung zwischen den subjektiven Voraussetzungen zur Lösung entstehender Situationen und der potentiellen Entwicklung aktueller Situationen hervorgehen, optimal gestalten. Eine Abweichung von der optimalen Beziehung kann zur Entwicklung eines inadäquaten Verkehrsverhaltens führen, dessen Ergebnis Verkehrsunfälle sein können. Diese Forschung untersucht die Zusammenhänge zwischen Aggressivität, Hostilität, Jähzorn und Intelligenzleistung in einem Sample von 137 Berufskraftfahrern. In der Forschung wurde ein Fragebogen eingesetzt, der die Aggressivität und die Hostilität im Straßenverkehr misst und vier Skalen aufnimmt: Irritabilität, Angriffslust, hostile Attributionsverzerrung und Aggressivitätsinhibition. Ein weiterer Fragebogen beinhaltet sechs Bereiche der Zornerregung und wurde zur Aufnahme der Zornprovokation im Straßenverkehr seitens anderer Verkehrsteilnehmer verwendet. Nach Zusammenhängen suchten wir mithilfe der Intelligenzbatterie für Fahrer, die Fassungskraft, Denken im Bereich anschaulicher Beziehungen, praktische Intelligenz, Raumintelligenz und Flexibilität des Denkens untersucht

    Cognitive Distortions in Thinking in Connection with Positive and Negative Emotions of Employed and Unemployed

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    The research presents an analysis of links between the occurrence of cognitive distortions specified by means of 10 categories of cognitive distortions based on the Beck's Cognitive Theory and the positive and negative emotions of the employed and unemployed as two separate categories. The research sample consisted of 336 respondents (183 employed and 153 unemployed). Cognitive distortions were identified by means of daily records containing 10 pages per diary. Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient revealed the differences in relations among cognitive distortions within the observed groups in connection to the positive and negative emotions. Occurrence of positive and negative emotions was observed with the help of SEHP

    Cognitive Distortions in Thinking in Connection with Positive and Negative Emotions of Employed and Unemployed

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    The research presents an analysis of links between the occurrence of cognitive distortions specified by means of 10 categories of cognitive distortions based on the Beck's Cognitive Theory and the positive and negative emotions of the employed and unemployed as two separate categories. The research sample consisted of 336 respondents (183 employed and 153 unemployed). Cognitive distortions were identified by means of daily records containing 10 pages per diary. Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient revealed the differences in relations among cognitive distortions within the observed groups in connection to the positive and negative emotions. Occurrence of positive and negative emotions was observed with the help of SEHP

    Assessment of Management Competencies According to Coherence with Managers’ Personalities

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    The objective of our investigation was to verify a questionnaire’s suitability in identifying managerial competencies concerning managers’ personality characteristics. Methods: For the content validity of the questionnaire assessment of managerial competencies (AMC23), we investigated its coherence with the appraisal of the management style methodology, i.e., managerial grid (MG), with correlation analysis. The existence of statistically significant relationships between the assessment of managerial competencies and managers’ personality characteristics was determined using Pearson’s correlation coefficient concerning the BIG-5 model. Results: In total, 573 managers participated in this study. Our examination concludes that motivational competencies correlated positively with the compromise and cooperative style; performance competencies with the competitive and cooperative style; and social competencies with the cooperative, adaptive, and compromise style. Not least, target competencies positively correlated with the competitive and cooperative style. Further, neuroticism negatively correlated with social managerial competence, extraversion, and openness to experience, which positively correlated with motivational and target competence. Friendliness was positively associated with social competence, and diligentness positively correlated with motivational, performance, and target competence. Conclusion: We determined significant correlations between managerial competencies (AMC23) and managerial style (MG). Our findings might have implications for further investigation and the development of more comprehensive instruments to assess managerial competencies in connection with managers’ personalities. We point out the need for further research to verify, improve, and constitute a model that further elucidates and explains managerial competencies

    Ocena coachingu przez menedżerów handlu

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    Coaching is one of the tools for the development of trade managers and the discovery of their hidden potential. It is a tool for seeking satisfaction, motivation, and effectiveness. The paper aims to identify the attributes of coaching assessment by trade managers. Its partial aim is to verify a new AC-BEC methodology - the assessment of coaching from the point of view of behaviour, emotions, and cognitions, three factors that were extracted in the research. The given methodology was created for the purpose of extending the range of possibilities for identifying the factors of coaching assessment by trade managers. The results show that managers operating in trade are willing to try new things, they want to develop personally and be more effective and in coaching, it is necessary to monitor and evaluate all attributes individually. It is not possible to look at this process as a whole.Coaching to jedno z narzędzi rozwoju menedżerów handlowych i odkrywania ich ukrytego potencjału. To narzędzie do poszukiwania satysfakcji, motywacji i skuteczności. Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja atrybutów oceny coachingu przez menedżerów handlowych. Jego częściowym celem jest weryfikacja nowej metodologii AC-BEC - oceny coachingu z punktu widzenia zachowań, emocji i poznania, trzech czynników, które zostały wyodrębnione w badaniach. Podana metodologia została stworzona w celu poszerzenia wachlarza możliwości identyfikacji czynników oceny coachingu przez handlowców. Wyniki pokazują, że menedżerowie działający w handlu chętnie próbują nowych rzeczy, chcą się rozwijać osobiście i być bardziej efektywni, aw coachingu konieczne jest indywidualne monitorowanie i ocena wszystkich atrybutów. Nie można spojrzeć na ten proces jako całość